Linked Fixed Assets

#1 Linked Fixed Assets


In 'Linked Fixed Assets' tab it is possible to view and to add 'child' fixed assets cards of the fixed asset in use: this option does not create any automatism on sales of fixed assets or grouping of cards in printing (remain however separated cards). On the contrary the link influences the calculation of depreciations: the child fixed asset will be amortized as regards the activity start date of father fixed asset.

RIBBON BAR: it represents the Form menu, that is the area in which it is possible to perform actions linked to the fixed asset in management. The list of features is the following:

Edit Fixed AssetIt edits the child fixed asset selected on grid.
Fixed Asset LinkIt opens the fixed assets help in order to insert a child fixed asset to the fixed asset in use.
Delete Links with Fixed AssetIt deletes the child fixed asset from fixed asset in use.
View Father Fixed AssetIf the fixed asset in use is a child fixed asset, the button will open in visualization mode the reference fixed asset.

BuildDate : 30 luglio 2013

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